
Now playing: Duffy - Stepping Stone
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How complex it can be when you like someone. . . . :(

These are some of the lists that I feel whenever a cupid hits me with his stupid love arrow directly into my rotten heart :f


  • Euphoric
  • Able to do something unexpectedly
  • Positive
  • Smiling always
  • Don't care about others (contrary to selfish)

  • angry
  • jealousy
  • insecure
  • sad
  • tears
  • gloomy
  • low self-confidence

Have you noticed that there are a lot of negative things that may occur?

It is really depressing actually. I feel it. Some people can get these feelings away so easily and just go on with their life but luck rarely comes into me.. :c I don't know~

Love is for the weak minded, ey?


I guess I AM a person with an extremely weak minded. Not only that. I have an issue with my myself.


I have read a few books about self-help though they don't seemed to work with myself. I guess I'm allergic to them...

Honestly, I am a temperamental type of guy.

That is just me. I did try to control myself. Not by drugs or any therapy. NO~! Just a battle with my own 'weak' mind.

It hurts :(

It always does...

I wonder when it will ever end..

In the end..

I don't even care...

. . .
